Thursday, August 5, 2010

Imagining Argentina

(Photo: Longitude Books)

I recently finished reading Imagining Argentina by Lawrence Thornton. This was a really, really good book. Even though we had a power outage, I couldn't put it down. I read it by candlelight and finished in one night. The novel is set in 1970's Argentina under the military rule of President Videla. It details the kidnapping, rape and torture of tens of thousands of victims that took place during the "Dirty War". The twist comes when Carlos discovers his psychic abilities after his wife is violently kidnapped and held by prisoner by agents of the state.

Apparently it was made into a movie in 2003. I'm going to try to find the movie, I'm quite curious to see how Cecilia, the novel's main heroine, is portrayed by the very British Emma Thompson. Great respect for Emma and her work but I can't see it working very well.

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