Monday, August 23, 2010

The Ground Zero Mosque

(Photo: Time Magazine)

I just finished reading an NY Mag article on the proposed mosque to be located near the site where the World Trade Center once stood. The owner of the building, Sharif El-Gamal, stated that he did not regret the uproar over the location of the mosque "because there was a conversation that had to be had, and now we’re having it.”

I get it. I get that this is an issue that needs to be aired and I am happy that it's out there in the public dialogue rather than festering under the surface. I just don't understand the logic behind the minds of the people who cannot separate a religion and the peaceful followers of said religion from the criminals who exploit it. It's so upsetting and so disheartening to see that this level of narrow mindedness does not only exist but is rampant. This article from Time Magazine shows just how rampant this pattern of thinking is. The magazine conducted a poll and found that 61% do not want a mosque within close proximity of Ground zero.

Read the full NY Mag article here.

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