Monday, August 2, 2010

New Word

I learned a new word today: susurrant. I keep saying it over and over again. Susurrant. Susurrant. Susurrant. Susurrant. I found my new word in a newspaper article but I cannot find my new word in my dicitonary. Bah

Well the internet knows my new word so it doesn't matter. According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary a sussurant sound is a "hum or a whisper: a whispering or rustling sound"

I like it. I'm a really good mumbler, it's one of my bad habits, sometimes I wish I were a whisperer. Whisperers can get away with it under the guise of being ladylike and delicate but mumblers are just brash and awkward or at least that's what my teachers told me throughout my adolescence. Ever notice how the caretakers in Austen and Bronte novels are always either ramblers, mumblers or just plain non-communicators? I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day speaking in susurrant tones like an Austen heroine instead of grumbling like a caretaker as I usually do. I'm also going to see how many times I can use the word susurrant in a conversation without getting something thrown at me. I've already used it about eight times in this post, I'd say that's a good start.

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