Photo Courtesy Wordpress.com
I didn't forget. I just needed to get around to it.
So I've read Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro and it was great. It wasn't earth shattering but it was definitely a good solid read. The book presents itself as a study of relationships but the ethical questions typical to discussions on cloning are still there. If I could ask a question of the author I'd like to know "Why did the clones never get the urge to fight? Why did they just accept their fate to live a brief limited life and die a long painful death?"
These questions left a nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach for a few days after completing the book. The only problem is that now that the book was good I'm afraid that the movie might suck. Ironic isn't it? I read the book to better appreciate the movie and now I'm worried that the movie won't live up to the book.
Hollywood tends to make things suck. Hope that doesn't happen here.