Friday, July 16, 2010

Oh Happy Day !!!!

One of the greatest drawbacks of moving back home to Trinidad from New York is the relatively high cost of magazines in Trinidad. Magazines are already pretty expensive but here they can cost up to twice as much before taxes! For a magazine nerd like myself the idea of paying US$12 for a copy of the New Yorker was pretty devastating and over the last couple of weeks I resigned to make do with the dreaded online version. Just as I started to exhibit withdrawal symptoms from living without the touch/smell/look of a real life glossy, I discovered the new and improved magazine section in our local library! Four years ago when I left for college there was at least a six month gap between the current date and the most recent issue of ANY of the mags on the shelves. But now, although the fashion mags are still shamefully out of date, my babies The New Yorker and Time are pretty damn current. It truly was a moment for tears and I captured it with this really crappy pic taken with my phone.

If they keep this up I might just have to forget about the fact that they closed the ENTIRE hardcover section for a month. Really, who does that?

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