Monday, July 26, 2010

Voting Day

You know those days when you just don't feel like doing anything? Yeah that was yesterday. Yesterday I didn't do shiet. But not today, today I was super productive. I voted! Here's a pick of our fingers stained with voters ink.

So... about the voting. I was a complete fool. I giggled the entire time, I followed the red line when I was supposed to follow the green one and I simply couldn't process the instructions on how to accurately fold my ballot. By the time I got to the final table the official must have been so convinced that I was a special needs voter that she gave me a little round of applause for not failing at dipping my right index finger into the tiny tub of voters ink. I don't blame her, I think my brain was on vacation that day. Throughout it all my sister pretended not to know me. Oh the shame.

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